Folk Fortune Studio

Folk Fortune Studio

This year (2018) I moved Folk Fortune out of my house and into an art studio on Main and Broadway, (one of the best areas in Vancouver.)  What started as a hobby due to a back injury that left me unable to work, has organically grown into a major full time business.  It's interesting how life works because I spent my 20's running my own store, went to work for a luxury retail company for 4 years, injured my back and by pure circumstance ended up self employed again.  It works perfectly for me because If I'm having a really bad day with my back and need to lay down on the computer and hit the pool in the afternoon I can. 
I'm extremely proud to say at 36 that I have spent 10 years of my adult life self employed which I can't believe!  I was also pretty excited in 2015 to start an Etsy store and and learning the online e-commerce world, as the oldest possible Millennial, I'm also very proud of my ever growing digital skill set . It's really exciting and amazing to see what can grow and harvest online these days and I can't wait to see where Folk Fortune goes in the future.
For now questions and customer emails are in the 10-40 range a day so I try to answer them all in a timely manner but please know If it takes me a day or 2 to respond I'm working on the balance.  Take a peek at the new space which in Vancouver is a major luxury that I spent 2 years searching for, in our city commercial space is at an all time high premium so I'm very lucky to have this space, only thing is I can't ship from there and there is no insulation so may have to migrate for winter.
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